
Admissions Process for Class 11

We are currently accepting applications for Grades 1  through 8 and also Admissions open in +2 Science, Management, Humanities and Education
the 2077— academic year.
Request Info
You will receive a confirmation email with login, password and instructions needed to our online application.
Request Info
After August 19, you may login and complete your online application using the credentials emailed to you.
Apply Online
Enter payment information and Rs.100.00 application fee. The form is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation.
Submit Form


Academic Standing

You will receive a confirmation email with login code, password, and instructions needed to complete our online application. By mail, you will also receive an admissions packet with additional materials including video instructions

You will receive a confirmation email with login code, password, and instructions needed to complete our online application. By mail, you will also receive an admissions packet with additional materials including video instructions

Extracurricular Activities

After October 1, you may login and complete your online application using the credentials sent to your email:

  • Online application will be available after July 15, 2020
  • Deadline: July 30, 2020 for grades 1 – 8
  • Deadline: August 22, 2020 for grades nursery, UKG, LKG

Contact our Administrative of Admissions

For the Foundation Stage contact
Ms. Kadambaba Pradhan
sanulal maharjan
For the Prep School please contact
Mr. Sanulal Maharjan

For more details contact form 7 am to 4 pm (School premises )

  • Tri-Padma Vidyashram Secondary School, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Announces the Admission open in grade 11(XI) for new Academic year. Reserve your seat in time. Apply ONLINE ADMISSION .
  • Dear students we are going to make our Learning system in Routined base by coming week so till then just go on Learning casually and keep in touch...
  • Dear students, during this pandemic situation, the school is running routine wise class, so students are advised to connect accordingly.
  • गर्दछौ।।। शिक्षा मन्त्रालयको सहकार्यमा नेपाल टेलिभिजनको एनटीभी प्लस च्यानलबाट #बिहान_९_बजे_देखि_साँझ_५_४०_बजेसम्म विभिन्न अनिवार्य विषयमा क्रमशः #कक्षा_१_देखि_१० सम्मका विषयका शिक्षकले भिडियो माध्यमबाट पढाउन थालेका छन् ।
  • कक्षा ९ र १० का विषयगत पाठहरू #डिसमिडिया नेटवर्क लिमिटेड, #डिसहोम, #एनआईटीभी स्ट्रिम प्रालि, #नेट टीभी, #मेगा म्याक्स टीभीबाट कक्षा सञ्चालन हुँदै छ ।