
High School students share Shakespeare’s stage

Every kindergarten through sixth grade student enjoys a core syllabus of language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

Scout Activity

  Tri-Padma Scout Members “You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”Nepal Scout has initiated the “SMS behavior reinforcement Campaign“ against #COVID19. Covid19, in Kathmandu Valley today in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Population-Nepal, UNICEF Nepal and HISSAN. Nepal scouts will mobilize […]

Fall Parents Meeting Day

Our focus on providing individual attention and a well rounded curriculum has helped us become known as one of the best private elementary schools in San Diego county.

Drawing and Painting Lessons

Each class is taught by a Master’s degree-certified teacher. Children with hearing loss receive additional services from a licensed Teacher of the Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Preparing to Christmas

Considering a private elementary school for your child? Del Mar Pines School is one of the best.


  • Tri-Padma Vidyashram Secondary School, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Announces the Admission open in grade 11(XI) for new Academic year. Reserve your seat in time. Apply ONLINE ADMISSION .
  • Dear students we are going to make our Learning system in Routined base by coming week so till then just go on Learning casually and keep in touch...
  • Dear students, during this pandemic situation, the school is running routine wise class, so students are advised to connect accordingly.
  • गर्दछौ।।। शिक्षा मन्त्रालयको सहकार्यमा नेपाल टेलिभिजनको एनटीभी प्लस च्यानलबाट #बिहान_९_बजे_देखि_साँझ_५_४०_बजेसम्म विभिन्न अनिवार्य विषयमा क्रमशः #कक्षा_१_देखि_१० सम्मका विषयका शिक्षकले भिडियो माध्यमबाट पढाउन थालेका छन् ।
  • कक्षा ९ र १० का विषयगत पाठहरू #डिसमिडिया नेटवर्क लिमिटेड, #डिसहोम, #एनआईटीभी स्ट्रिम प्रालि, #नेट टीभी, #मेगा म्याक्स टीभीबाट कक्षा सञ्चालन हुँदै छ ।